Latest writings

  • A year into working remotely โ€“ A retrospective ๐Ÿ’ญ

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    In mid-late 2020, I left what most people would consider a very cushy and stable job: a software engineer position at a big tech unicorn. It definitely was not an easy decision to make, but considering that I tend to overthink and worry about stuff, it was a decision that I was surprisingly very confident in.

    This writing serves as a personal reflection and retrospective of my journey from the past couple of years, which hopefully might be of interest to some people.

  • Building an Audio-loop Player on the Web ๐Ÿ”‰โ™ป๏ธ

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    7 min read โ˜•
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    In July, I built Tranquil, a very simple web-app that allows you to create your own mix of environmental sounds. I have always loved the sounds of nature such as the rain ๐ŸŒง๏ธ , the blowing wind ๐ŸŽ , the sound of waves hitting the shore ๐Ÿ–๏ธ , etc.

    I thought the project would be super simple. I should probably be able to just put some <audio> elements with loop="true" on them, right? Well, as it turned out, it wasn't that straightforward.

  • 6 Things I Learned during my Remote Job Search

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    I recently landed my first remote job as a software engineer! ๐ŸŽ‰

    The past few weeks, some of my friends reached out to ask about stuff like how I found the job, what I did during the process to land the job, etc. I feel like this is something that more people might be interested in, so I thought I would write about what I learned during the process, and hopefully it will help you too! You can think of this as a semi-tutorial on how to look for remote jobs.

  • Writing Your Own CSS-in-JS Library

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    CSS-in-JS has been around for quite a while now. There are some valid reasons both for and against them, but we are not going to talk about those.

    I have always believed that writing our own, simple version of something will help a lot to understand how something works, so let's try writing one!

  • Building a Blog with Next.js + Preact + Tailwind

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    Welcome! This is the first blog post I am publishing here! ๐ŸŽ‰

    I rewrote my personal site and added a blog to it while doing it. I decided to write about some of my thoughts during the process for the first post.